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Hi, hello!

I'm Bridgette. I've been making art my entire life and I've always been especially in love with comic books and animation. When I was younger I honed my skills by passing hand drawn notes back and forth to friends between classes. Now I make illustrations for a living!

I love thinking of and capturing details in every form within my works, and seeing what I create come to life off the page. I also love being able to bring people smiles with my drawings.


I like spending my free time reading, doodling, sewing, playing Fire Emblem, trying new recipies, finding new music to work to, and catching up on new shows. 


During the holidays I go home to see my parents, brother, and (puppy-brother) Brooks. 





I'm a graduate of Grand Valley State University with a BFA in Illustration. I've had the honor of studying under well-known and talented Illustrators and Fine Artists such as Ed Wong-Ligda, Bree Ann Veenstra, and Guin Thompson. My specialties include digital illustration, photo editing, sequential art, graphic design, and portraiture.

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